Designing the appearance of the instance name, a value field and a comment field within the interface

If you are already using →calls of the →block within →graphical editors, Neuron recommends to close all editors before the interface is changed. When e.g. the FBD-editor is re-opened, the changed interface is automatically updated in some aspects.

How to change the appearance of the displayed instance name, an existing value field or comment field:

  1. In the interface, select the instance name, the value field or the comment field.

  2. In the tab Properties of Element, change one (or all) of the following settings.


    Detailed action

    Text color

    1. Click onto the field beside of the setting.

    2. From the drop-down list, select the requested color (e.g. DodgerBlue). (info) The list provides the colors according to:
      Result: The preview is updated.

    Background color

    as for the text color
    (warning) However, the background color of a value field cannot be changed.

    Show border

    Check or uncheck this setting.
    Result: The preview is updated.


    1. Click onto the field beside of the setting.

    2. Select one of the possible alignments, e.g. Top left or Bottom right.
      Result: The text is aligned referring to the rectangle in which the text is displayed.